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Cora Quote

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To Quote a Coleman…

Dad, what you’re playing sounds like words ’cause I can understand almost everything.

Cora paying Jason the best compliment a musician could ever get while listening to him play guitar.

To Quote a Coleman…

I want to go to the Maryland Democratic party!!

Cora, imagining balloons and cake, after hearing daddy say that the election-day phone call we’d just received was from the Maryland Democratic Party.

To Quote a Coleman…

Congratulations that you are having a baby!

Cora to Tina upon the beginning of labor.

To Quote a Coleman…

Remember at dinner when you told me “Less talk, more eat?” I just wanted to throw that back at you.

Cora’s explaination after hushing her lullaby-singing mom by saying, “Less talk, more sleep.”

To Quote a Coleman…

I bowed my head way better than you guys.

Cora, after our family dinner prayer.

To Quote a Coleman…

Cora saying letters out loud as she wrote her name:

C, O, candycane, balloon with a string

(Picture the lowercase letters as a child might draw them)

To Quote a Coleman…

I understand, but I still don’t get it.

To Quote a Coleman…

Mommy and me are going to have a baby!

How Cora is breaking our family’s big news.

To Quote a Coleman…

That’s hard to say. It’s a twister-tonguer.

To Quote a Coleman…


Cora’s suggestion for a little-brother name.