When is Tina?
Tina is on business in Australia — living 15 hours in the future compared to the rest of us here at home.
TIme in Sydney, Australia:
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Tina is on business in Australia — living 15 hours in the future compared to the rest of us here at home.
TIme in Sydney, Australia:
While at a party with my daughter I took part in the “Pretty, Pretty Princess” game. As you can see from the photo, I was unstoppable.
Through their savvy branding of heroines and their relentless advertising to small children, the Disney Company has my 4YO daughter convinced that the world can be easily divided into two groups: Princesses and Witches. While physical beauty isn’t a requirement for a prince or princess at all times (e.g., Beast from Beauty and the Beast), we can still expect their undeniable inner beauty to be evident from time to time.
I posted this photo so you could see, I’m with the princesses.
We all know how it’s supposed to be done, right? Because all the really good singers on TV do it that way. When you get to the part of the song that requires the most feeling you close your eyes and belt it out.
Callie did that tonight while singing the Belly Button Song. She got to the chorus and closed her eyes and let it fly.
“Baby I need to tell you something,
I don’t got a belly button!“